The Taiwan Years


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After the trio had already done a concert tour through Taiwan in 2014 with flutist Meng-Heng Chen, Tuesday Microgrooves returned with singer Lena Mentschel. In addition to concerts as a quartet, they also performed with Israeli flutist Tali Rubinstein and the Interestring Quartet. The encounter with the four friendly string players would forever change the life of our drummer…

with Interestring Quartet @Taipei
TM @ Taichung Jazz Festival

Then in 2016 came the absolute highlight – on their third tour of Taiwan, we were headliners at the Taichung Jazz Festival. Together with saxophonist Shawna Young, who visited us in Austria for a few joint concerts in 2017, Tuesday Microgrooves played an unforgettable evening before 10,000 attendees.

At the same time, they released their next album, ‚Saying I Love You in a Postrock Way.‘ As guest musicians, Tuesday Microgrooves brought on board German electronica artist Step Saturn, who contributed several remixes. Parts of the album were used for a spatial audio project by Audi and the Fraunhofer Institute; the booklet was created in Taiwan and is considered by Austrian jazz singer Ines Reiger to be ‚one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.

TM @ Taipei Jazz Festival

In 2017, Tuesday Microgrooves returned to Taiwan one last time and was headliner at the Taipei Jazz Festival. In addition to more club concerts, the band also performed for several schools. No one thought it would be the last time in this lineup and in this country.

A big thank you goes to Evy Kao from Music Service Lab, who has supported us throughout the years.


Saying I Love You in a Postrock Way, 2016
Promo EP, 2015

Key Tracks

TM Saying I Love You in A Postrock Way
TM I Can't
TM Thunderstorm
TM Tomorrow, I'll Meet You
TM/Step Saturn Surprise Me feat. Step Saturn