28. August 2024

Der Herbst!

Dear people, it has been a bit quiet here for a while, but now a hot autumn is coming your way! We are back with the second part of the Raw Book of Music, new tracks, new grooves, even more…

Tuesday Microgrooves x Monika Ballwein

Bei dieser spannenden Kollaboration zwischen den österreichischen Crossoverjazz Pionieren Tuesday Microgrooves und der begeisternden Sängerin Monika Ballwein wagt man sich erstmalig an einen Weihnachts-Klassiker ran. It came upon a midnight clear aus dem 19. Jahrhundert bekommt dadurch einen völlig neuen Anstrich. Wir…


Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn’t know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this…